


Where do you live?

Dorset, UK

What do you do in your daily life?

Director & part-time student

How long have you been playing DDO?

Since around when it began

Why are you a Spellsword? How did you end up in The Spellswords?

Got to know the ‘swords via the KVA shortly before said guild died, and joined up fully fairly quickly.

Do you also play DnD tabletop, other PRG games, LARPing etc?

Yes. All of it 🙂

Who are your primary characters?

Lladislav and Portilis are my mains, but my other characters usually get a fair amount of play.

More about yourself, DDO, your characters, friends, hobbies etc.

Married to Abi (Triata / too many clerics), main hobbies are mostly rp based – LARP, tabletop, etc. Ex-web developer currently rearranging life.

Your Status


Display name on this site (nickname)
