

Mark Nugent

Where do you live?

Carlisle UK

What do you do in your daily life?

Work, Play, Work, Play

How long have you been playing DDO?

SInce beta

Why are you a Spellsword? How did you end up in The Spellswords?

I was the Guild leader of the Forgotten Legion before I joined The Companions on Boldrei, hence we moved on to Keeper and gamed with a lot of spellswords back then in raids and groups. When It moved to the US I stayed guildless for a bit before I bumped into an old friend from the EU who invited me into the Spellswords. I chose the Spellswords because it was a guild close to my heart as far as any guild I have been in.

Do you also play DnD tabletop, other PRG games, LARPing etc?

Used to play DnD 3.5, Vampire, Runequest, Warhammer etc

Who are your primary characters?

Ergan Stonebrow
Loeren Soth
Others but concentrating on these two atm.

More about yourself, DDO, your characters, friends, hobbies etc.

I spend a lot of time chasing around after my family, or working, so any time I can get I spend on my PC playing DDO and ARMA series of games.

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