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    Hello Swords.

    A quick question if I may about Pot usage.

    I ran my first CiTW raid today – the last raid was Shroud many months ago)

    During the quest I used 8 pots. I used them as I didnt want people to think that I wasnt pulling my weight.

    Is it norm to use that many or should I hang back a bit and only hit the bosses?

    I feel that if I run out of SP and dont use Potsthat peope may think Im not commited to helping the raid succeed.

    Do you limit your pot useage or do you use whatever is necessary?

    Please dont think this is a Pot begging post as its not. I dont run much endgame so I have a few lying around so Im ok for them. Ill return any sent to me 🙂

    Any advice welcome


    In some raids it is almost mandatory to use mnemonic potions.

    As the raids where it’s known that pots will be used ( at the moment  I’d say : CitW, EE LOB, EE MA, Eventually Elite ToD if things go awry  ) are quite defined, usually the raid leader asks for potion use so that people know that there’s some to give.

    Personally in Guild runs I pull all the stops ( unless it is quite obvious that we are doomed, and that trying to brute force the raid will only lead to failure after a lot of ressources are wasted ) and if I have to drink potions to get it done I’ll do it.

    In other raids I’ll be more ressource aware, and use a potion only if I am sure it will save the raid from a certain wipe.



    Citw is special in that there are no permanent rest shrines there. I would suggest that you, and anyone else who plays a caster in that raid, asks the raid leader what he wants from you. A caster can assume alot of varied rolls in there, and some roles are harder for some than others, depending on build.


    Aside from the Elite end game and perhaps EH CitW I would say there really is no need for pots.

    Very often as a caster you tend to take a lot of the responsibility for getting rid of trash when this could easily be left to the melees (let them swing a little, it will tucker out the little ones and put a smile on their cute faces).

    The trick to playing a caster is knowing when to let it out and when to hold back. Takes some practice, run more raids Ryan, but eventually you pick up on the moments to give ’em hell.

    Also as Jan said if unsure get some clarity from the leader. Though with pugs I can’t promise anything, that is another beast altogether, hehe.

    Personally I say kill em all and let the melees scurry around like ants, if it costs a few pots to see them sulking… /jk

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