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    Hey ‘swords, It’s another week and Ispep is looking for noob advice/help again.. hee, hee.

    My druid build is currently at level 25 (I may take 26 next time I log back in) and I want to get to the Magma Forge in Ruins of Thunderholme. I know this is a level 29 zone, so am looking for any offers of help to get there so I can start crafting some weapon / armor options I’m looking to get on this build.

    I run early mornings at weekend and randomly in the evenings through the week, so if anyone has some spare time I’d love to party up and go down there. Flagging for the two raids would be an added bonus, but the forge is the primary goal.

    If anyone sees me in game and has some time, please let me know and I’d love to go and get crafting. In the meantime I’ll continue with some of my other quest chains that I’ve been working on…

    On a side note, a huge thank you to Corazonroto (Ryan) and Grugniir (Chris) for letting me pike along on their XP farm today. Very much appreciated as I tend to run solo due to my erratic times of play. Makes me remember why I like the ‘swords so much – great helpful bunch 🙂



    When I get a few more lvls i’m happy to run to the forge with you.
    Pretty often there is a thunder Holm slayer party you could hop onto that are very quick and get you a lvl too.


    Youre welcome Jimmy.

    Chris and I are usually on from 0600 every saturday and sunday and you are welcome to join us any time


    Thanks to Sthax and Ryan for helping me get to the forge. I now have my nice new sword and armor to play with. At some point I’ll have a run round to get raid flagged.



    I wouldn’t worry too much about Thunderholme Jimmy, there’s been a fair amount of power creep since it was released and it really isn’t that hard to solo anymore.

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